Saturday, February 23, 2008

Be Kind Rewind

Got to see this gem last night, and first impression was wow. This movie doesn't disappoint it was great. Michal Gondry's mind is amazing, the remakes were unbelievably awesome. You leave the theater with a one of those classic good feelings, much like Ron Howard would as you faded out of Mayberry. I think this movie could be the catalyst for a new jump in amateur film making, the whole time I was watching it, I thought to myself I could do that, or I have that stuff at home.

What is awesome they are promoting people to swede there own movies!
Swede-ing by the way is wht they call what they do, but I don't want to ruin anything I swore by the same code those kids on the reading rainbow did, I can't ruin it.

1 comment:

James Best said...

I'm going to see it this weekend. Today I need to go pick up Darjeeling Limited which I can't believe I didn't see in theaters.