Friday, January 16, 2009

Some Hits of 2008

James threw up some of his picks for sweetness in 2008, and he totally jacked a bunch from me, Islands, Black Keys, Whitsundays. Know this about my list, I whipped it up in a flurry, also I realized it's super hard to remember what came out in 2008, I'm sure there are a butt load of songs that I will see later, and be like "oh crap, I should have put that one up." So I just threw a couple up.

Mykonos - Fleet Foxes
Lately - The Helio Sequence
Walking - The Dodos
For Emma - Bon Iver
Real Emotional Trash - Steven Malkmus
Forever - Walter Meego
I Want it All - The Whitsundays
Strange Times - The Black Keys
Oxford Comma - Vampire Weekend (Shut up, I like them)
Electric Feel - MGMT

couldn't find a link to Steven Malkmus or Whitsundays, but if I find one I'll post it


GhostMane said...

Be sure to check out the Fleet Foxes on SNL tonight. I just saw Department of Eagles last night and was pleasantly surprised.

James Best said...

Did you see that performance on SNL? It was mind blowing. Mykonos might be my new favorite Fleet Foxes song. I'm putting up a link on my blog.

James Best said...

Ok, ok, I stole so many songs from you. Next year you'll just have to post your list sooner than me so you can make me look lame.

Thanks for the tunes, big boy.

Grifter said...


You really likes you some Vampire Weekend?

Do I need to get over my snark and give them a serious tryout before I cut them from my ear team?

convince me. sexy links, by the way.

joe jeo joe je oje oje ojeojeojeoj e