Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Modern Painting

Mock up for the Oil Painting Class, Chuck Close style.


T.Brown said...

Love it man. Really cool!!

Cliff Mills said...

I'm gonna punch you in your junk

Allen TenBusschen said...

cold blooded Cliff.

Mike Laughead said...

This is pretty dang sweet. Is it digital or traditional? Great colors too.

Candace said...

What does mockup mean again?

Allen TenBusschen said...

this one is digital, but it is just a study for the one in oil paint that I am working on. Ill post some pictures of it when I go up and paint

Allen TenBusschen said...

also, its not done yet, either of them

James Best said...

I like to think you're being swallowed up by Tobias as a Blue Man.

Pretty dang sweet though.